January newsletter
Updated: Jan 22, 2023
We hope all our customers and supporters had a wonderful Christmas.

2022 was a mixed year for us at South Brockwells Farm, with tears of sadness following the loss of our dear dad 'Grandad' and the joy of having our hard work recognised with winning not one but three awards.
2023 is off to a great start as we are South East Regional finalists in the Rural Enterprise category of the Countryside Alliance Awards, fondly known as the Rural Oscars! The award winners will be chosen by a public vote. Voting opens in February, so please watch this space for details on how to vote!

Farm shop special offers

Beat the cost of living rise and fill your freezer with our top class meat at rock bottom prices! Delicious home reared lamb, goat and pork all at 20% off. There are also frozen pies, sausages, burgers and tarts all at 20% off, Be quick though as stock is selling fast.
Our wild local game -pheasant, partridge, wild duck and pigeon is available to buy in the shop. We also have delicious venison, just tell us what cut you would like, and we can supply it for you. For those of you that like a bit of spice in your life, go WILD for our spicy venison sausages! They are absolutely delicious!

As you know we have been doing some exciting renovations to our farm shop and these are almost complete! We hope you like our larger shopping space - we are looking to increase our range and would be pleased to hear of any products or items you would like to see in the shop. Please email your suggestions to farmshop@southbrockwellsfarm.com.
Farm updates
Now, this is what we call recycling! We posted on our Facebook page to ask for any unwanted Christmas trees to be donated, as they are the perfect gift for our goats.

We were thrilled with the response, as were our goats who are tucked up in the warm and dry barn but missing their greenery. Thank you to our customers and to Coolings Garden Center, Wych Cross, for donating over 30 beautiful trees.
Meet Sir Prise!

Look who has joined us early! The best present ever for our farm school children!
Such a handsome chap - welcome to the world Sir Prise!
A busy week for our Mini Farmers during the school Christmas holidays!
Over 4 days we welcomed 110 children to our Mini Farmers holiday club. Once again, they were fantastic and even the cold, drizzly weather didn't stop them from getting stuck in - in a couple of cases this was quite literally! Not once did we hear ‘it’s too muddy’ or ‘It smells’. Not once did we see a mobile phone. The children loved being outdoors, active and getting involved in all our farming activities and we loved having them on the farm sharing what we do best.
There are many extra jobs in the winter to keep our animals happy and healthy and our team of mini farmers did a great job mucking out, bedding up, grooming and feeding. They even rounded up escaped sheep - we think the naughty elves may have had something to do with that! The children made birdseed fat balls to feed the birds this winter from our dried out sunflower heads and also made festive table and tree decorations with greenery found on our walks.
All of this is hungry work and each day every child enjoyed a great lunch, complete with South Brockwells Farm Shop sausages!
In addition, we were pleased to work with 3VA to send EVERY child home with a farm produced, family food pack each day for the children to follow a recipe and cook for the family!
We put together a whopping 110 lunches during the week and an additional 110 meal packs for families (440 meals!) It was great seeing the meals our mini farmers had cooked at home!
Show time!
In November, we took 19 children, 22 lambs and 1 pig to the South Eastern Prime Stock Winter Fayre at the South of England Agricultural Society, and we had a great day!
All our children were fantastic! They had to groom their lambs, talk to the judge about them and demonstrate their handling skills in the ring. For a lot of our #minifarmers, this was their first experience with this, and they certainly exceeded our expectations with multiple placings and highly commended awards. In addition, our mini farmers entered the #youngfarmers craft challenge, where they won both class 1 and class 2 with some fantastic artwork depicting ‘Farming in Autumn’
To finish the day, we were pleased to pick up awards in all carcass classes, sausage class, sausage roll class and sausage class!
Safe to say, we were all exhausted when we got home, but we were thrilled to have had such a successful day supporting #britishfarming.
As we progress into February we will be very busy preparing for our new lamb and kid arrivals in March !!! Watch this space..........