October Newsletter
Take a look at Acorn Lodge our new Farm School cabin, last chance to book on to this Saturday's Game Cookery Masterclass, Farm Shop updates and meet some of our rams.

Farm School updates - Welcome to Acorn Lodge
Come rain or shine, farm school goes ahead and our students are fantastic at getting their wet weather gear on and demonstrating grit and determination to keep going even during the wetter months. The lodge will provide us with a safe, warm, dry place to re-group, reflect on learning and evidence learning with a lot of our students now undertaking an ASDAN animal care course whilst they are with us.

Thank you to all who have made Acorn Lodge possible
Acorn Lodge is almost complete and we are a little bit excited! Painting has begun and the internal fixtures are starting to be installed. However, this couldn't have happened without some fantastic help and support along the way. There will be more to follow as we complete the project but thank you Arron, chief carpenter, Osmo UK for providing the paint and Plumbase Brighton for fixtures/fittings.
Pumpkins a plenty!
Grown by our Farm School students, these fabulous pumpkins are on sale from the farm shop now! All proceeds from the pumpkin sales are going towards kitting out Acorn Lodge.

Visit from the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex
Farm School were proud to welcome the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex to the farm last week and our students stepped up to the plate, filling him in on everything we do at Farm School, how it helps them, what they learn and how some of them are future farmers in training!
It was great to be able to continue to share what we do here, luckily Tinkerbell (the naughty goat) didn't jump on his car and although I'm not sure we gave the Lord Lieutenant much choice, we were pleased to load him up with a selection of pumpkins to take home and enjoy!
South Brockwells Farm Christmas Cards
Do you want to see your favourite farm animal on the front of a Christmas card?
A range of cards featuring some of our cheekiest residents will be available shortly from the farm shop.

Farm shop updates - Autumn is finally upon us.
We have been celebrating Good Food East Sussex Month. Our first event "using up the leftovers’ was a great success and inspired us to start making cold pressed delicious juices using our wonky vegetables.

Our next event this month is our Game Cookery Masterclass with Angela Carter this Saturday the 28th October. Angie is a talented private chef with a passion for game who can regularly be seen picking up on local shoots with her trio of flat coat retrievers.

Angie will demonstrate how to cook a variety of wild game using a range of different techniques. Ian Wilson of Ucopia Wines, Mayfield will be on hand to offer a tasting of complementary wines all for just £10. Places have filled up fast but we do have availability on the 3.45 pm session - please email us at farmshop@southbrockwellsfarm.com to book.
The game season has started.
Following the unusually warm Autumn, the game shooting season has now started in earnest and we have a full range of wild game in the farm shop. We have local wild pheasant, partridge, pigeon and fabulous local venison. Venison is at its very best at the moment and we have a plentiful supply of this fabulous, low fat, highly nutritious meat. We are currently offering great value venison freezer boxes - for details please drop us an email. Or why not treat yourself to one of Angie's VLTs (venison, lettuce and tomato sandwiches) for brunch one weekend.

It's time to buy our award winning lamb
The shop is well stocked with all cuts of our delicious lamb. Grown slowly on our permanent pastures, our lambs do not leave the farm. We hang the meat for 7 days to develop flavour and it's delicate texture and butcher on site. As with all produce, it offers top quality taste with minimal food miles.

Sussex Beef coming soon!
We are currently ageing some fabulous Sussex beef raised just a few miles away on the Pevensey Levels. We must be patient, as it needs to hang for a few weeks to allow the flavour and texture to develop, but all cuts will be available in the shop next month.
Let's get Christmassy Tasting Day - 11th November
To get us all into the Christmas spirit we are starting off with a festive day in the shop, so Let's Get Christmassy! - Join us on the 11th November from 10am -2pm to try our Christmas range of foods, prepare for the big event and pick up a Christmas order form.

As always, keep an eye on the shop's Facebook and Instagram pages for daily shop updates and why not join us for brunch one weekend. We serve our delicious brunches from 10 am - 1 pm every Saturday and Sunday.
Farm news - it's breeding time for our rams
It's one of our busiest times of year as we choose our ewes for breeding. Our rare breed rams handsome Harry and William the Royal Herdwick ram brothers, Rylan the Ryland, Harris the Hebridean, Belstone the Dartmoor and Brock the Badger Face ram will be put amongst our chosen ewes ready to produce next year's lambs. We also have Leo the Blue Texel , Roly, Rory and Ronnie our 3 commercial Texels and Sammy the Suffolk all out with their chosen wives. Romance is definitely in the air here at South Brockwells Farm!
Our lambs will be due in approximately 5 months but our pregnant sows Snout and Freeda's piglets are due in the next week or two - watch out for our November newsletter for updates on the piglets. How many do you think they will have?