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Another amazing Mini Farmers club comes to a close.


What a fantastic two weeks of Mini Farmers Holiday Club fun! Over 150 children enjoyed our farm learning how to care for our animals, build dens, herd sheep, forage, crop vegetables, make a bug hotel, learn where honey comes from and so much more.

In true British Summer tradition, we had sunshine, thunder, lightning and downpours but we loved every minute!

All of our Mini Farmers got thoroughly stuck into all the activities, they worked hard, played hard and made good friends along the way.

"My daughter thoroughly enjoyed herself, she said it has been the best club so far she has attended. She has a love for animals and loved looking after them."

During their time with us, the children learnt about and cared for our many animals including horses, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens and ducks. Our sow pig Frieda loved having her back scratched with a broom, the chicks loved their cuddles and the ducks mainly enjoyed a good game of hide and seek but enjoyed feeding times. The goats were cheeky and adorable at the same time and got involved in everything the children did even when they weren't meant to!

"Absolutely fantastic club. I’m so grateful that my son got a space on this. Couldn’t have asked for a better holiday club."

On the wettest day of the year so far, the children herded some of our sheep moving them from one field to another - on leads. It's not every day you get to take a sheep for a walk.

But that's not all, they cropped fruit and vegetables to go with their lunches, picked sunflowers to take home, met a beekeeper (Apiarist) learnt about bee hives, tried some honey, built dens, foraged in the woods and built a bug hotel.

I'm sure that doesn't do it justice but safe to say, our Mini Farmers were fantastic, they learnt new skills, tried new things, were outside, had fun and were a great Mini Farmer team.




South Brockwells Farm 
Bradfords Lane

Little Horsted
Uckfield TN22 5QS


Farm shop: 01825 627 810

Farm school: 07742 966 765

General enquiries: 07764 572 255


South Brockwells Farm School Ltd. Registered in England and Wales, company number 15248424 VAT number 455731579

South Brockwells Farm Shop Ltd. Registered in England and Wales, company number 12969535

UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) : 10094567

© 1976 -2023 South Brockwells Farm Partnership

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